The Amasiko Halfway House, a short-term residential centre where young women (aged 15-21) who have dropped out of formal education can learn skills in order to become self-sufficient, has been operating with great success for four years. During this time dozens of young women have passed through the programme and are now earning a living and supporting their families. See story of the centre, and how the programme has changed the life of Gloria and her family in the video link below.
In September 2022 a new intake of 10 young ladies joined the programme. Each one is from a destitute family and their futures were bleak before joining the Amasiko Halfway House programme.
Whilst prices across the world have risen over the last few months, the impact has been hardest felt in developing countries, and of these, Uganda is classified by one of the least developed countries by the United Nations. You can help us to to keep this vital programme open by signing up for a regular donation, or a one off donation.