Sunday 28th June was a very important day in the history of Alongside Africa, as we opened the doors of the Amasiko Drop-In Centre for the first time.
After almost two years of planning and research we could finally start the work on the ground with our amazing team in Kabale. We had no idea how many children would turn up, and we were very happy with the 24 that did.
All these children are on the streets of Kabale for a variety reasons, including abuse, neglect and the legacy of HIV in the region. The common denominator is poverty. The aim of the Drop-In centre is to give them at least one good, healthy meal per day, provide for their immediate medical needs and start to build a relationship based on trust.
All this will, of course, take a lot of time and money, and we only took a tiny step that first day in opening the
Drop-In centre. Our biggest immediate challenge is to make sure we can sustain the project – i.e. pay the salaries, the rent for the house and supply the food every month. To do this we are going to need more regular donations.

You can support Amasiko by setting up a standing order in favour of Alongside Africa, CAF Bank, Sort code: 40-52-40, Account number: 00020523, or visit Alongside Africa Amasiko Street Children project. Any amount will make a big difference.
Transforming lives by providing opportunities not aid.
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