☼Meet Darius who is aged 8. At the moment he has no home to go to. He is vulnerable and alone, sleeping on the streets of Kabale. With this comes exposure to crime, drugs and prostitution.
☼Alongside Africa wants to help children like Darius by building the Amasiko Centre – a place that is safe to sleep in, away from crime and offers hope and dignity to these children. The Amasiko will also provide opportunities for gaining essential life skills and vocational skills for older children to help them earn a living.
☼We are reaching out for crowd funding. Currently the situation is that we have had an offer of support to equip us with building the centre. However, to secure this funding we have to demonstrate that we are able to keep the centre running. This has to be done by the end of this September, so the matter is urgent.

☼£20,000 is our target. This is be a big ask but we can make it if many people give a small amount and share the message far and wide. Many children, families and communities will benefit from the Amasiko Centre. Help us make this a possibility! Share and donate as much as you can. Thank you
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