The Alongside Africa Amasiko Street Children Programme Drop in Centre is ready to open! We are only a few days into our trip and
have made solid progress on preparing for the new street children programme, Amasiko. In the short time that we have been here we have decorated the drop in centre with UNICEF posters and other colourful material, employed a manager, arranged for medical insurance for the children and staff, organised many of the operating procedures, completed the administrative database, made friends with the neighbours (and the two dogs, Bob and Betty, who have adopted us) and arranged to make a presentation for a grant to the local Rotary Club next Wednesday.
Around lunchtime on Monday we went looking for street children. We drove to the usual place where they gather, by the rubbish skips. There were pigs snuffling around but not a street child in sight. So we went off, had ourselves a good lunch and tried again later. And there they were! About eight of them greeted us with broad smiles and warm handshakes. We had George with us (the local facilitator) and he spoke to them about the new centre, Amasiko. They seemed keen to come. We gave them some bread rolls which they accepted very politely and with more handshakes and great friendliness we all said goodbye. As we climbed back into the car a local boda-boda driver (motorbike taxi) suggested we took them something to drink next time, which we will.
On opening day, Amasiko got off to a flying start! 5 street children were here when we arrived, including a previously sponsored child who had returned to the streets – at time of writing there are more than 25 here enjoying a game of football, skipping and colouring. 4 are receiving medical attention. We also have client s from General Manager Peace.
See the first Amasiko lunch cooking in the newly built kitchen. Posho, beans, cabbage and potatoes – what are you having for lunch today? Whatever it is we guarantee that it will not be as needed or as welcome as this simple meal.
You can support Amasiko by setting up a standing order in favour of Alongside Africa, CAF Bank, Sort code: 40-52-40, Account number: 00020523, or visit Alongside Africa Amasiko Street Children project. Any amount will make a big difference.
Transforming lives by providing opportunities not aid.
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