“Poverty and hunger have become part of us,” says Cath’s Mother from Kabale District. “I have learned to live with the reality that nothing can change our life.”
Cath is six-year-old girl, the youngest in her family. At the moment Cath is not attending school, as her Mother supports her by doing odd jobs such as washing, and the occasional support from well-wishers.
Cath came to AMASIKO for a hot meal one day, when she arrived her malnutrition was obvious. This is no surprise when she has to walk 18km every day just to get to AMASIKO. Cath lives with her Mother with no kitchen or toilet facilities. It’s amazing when asked what her dream is, she simple said “going to school” a factor that is so accessible to us.
Having parents who do not have access to ways to support her future it’s hard to think how she can get out of the situation she is in. But thanks to Alongside Africa AMASIKO programme she is able to access medical care, food and safe environment for five days a week. This has benefited her malnutrition, but this is only a short term intervention. This little girl really needs to be educated, so she can hope for a better future and aid in breaking the cycle of poverty. We urge you to consider this and think about a way that YOU can help.
All the best,
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