The team here in Kabale have had an incredibly busy week, so busy in fact that we haven’t had a chance to post anything on the blog. We are also pleased to announce that three new children started school this week. We also redecorated the Amasiko Drop-in Centre (see photos below) and visited the Graeme Naish Memorial School, one of our partner schools attended by some of our sponsored children. Our UK volunteers were on hand and taught the children some lessons. During the break, we played football and sung and danced with the children. We also transported water, timber and cement to the the school.
At the same time, our wonderful team from Slovenia have been working very hard with local builders to the construct the Amasiko Halfway House. The speed of construction has taken our breath away – the heat in which they are working has taken their breath away!
Of course, it is not all happiness and joy – Today, on the way back to the hotel where we are staying a volunteer who is with us, Ellese, told me that one of the newest street children at our centre, who I literally picked from the street a few days ago, came to our Amasiko Drop-In Centre with a split lip and a shirt full of blood this morning. It seems that the child, and his two siblings, is beaten daily by their father. Their mother is dead. The child asked if he could stay with Ellese. Needless to say, this brought about a lot of tears.
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