Amazing Love Primary and Nursery School, located in Kabale, was founded and built by Saturday James in 2008. Having settled in the village of Rushambya on the outskirts of Kabale, Saturday wanted to make a difference in the lives of the needy children that he saw in the area. He was sponsored himself as a secondary school pupil and in his further studies and felt compelled to make a positive difference by providing relevant, affordable and reliable primary education.
The school has grown from 15 pupils in the first term to the current enrolment of more than 160, of which more than 20% are unable to pay any or all of their school fees and are supported by Saturday. Saturday’s only criteria for taking in a child is that they should have a desire to learn; he relies on his faith to have sufficient funds to pay for those whose families cannot pay for them.
Picture: Saturday James – Founder of Amazing Love School – with Blessing Akankwaze