Meet Cuthbert Ainembabazi, a remarkable boy and regular attendee at Amasiko. In October last year Cuthbery disappeared for a few days and we started getting worried about him as living on the streets is a dangerous activity. It turns out that Cuthbert had gone back to the school that he had once attended to sit his Primary Leaving Exam – One wonders how or whether he had been revising with the streets of Kabale town as his place of abode! How many children in more developed countries would show so much commitment?
Cuthbert has just brought our Director in Uganda his Primary Leaving Certificate – he passed his exams and achieved a total aggregate score of 22; Grade/Division 2. This is not the highest score but in view of the circumstances this a star performance and we wonder what he could do if had had a normal education. This brought our Director to the point of tears. As well as being gifted and committed Cuthbert is one of the best footballers in team Amasiko FC.
The tragedy is that Cuthbert does not have a sponsor and so as things stand his formal education will now end. If you can support Cuthbert, or the namy others that we have on our waiting list please contact us at enquiries@alongsideafrica.org or go to http://goo.gl/XXOkJn
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